Michael, Emma, and I got to go pumpkin hunting with Grandma Brown. We went to Maris Farms this year. WOW! I didn't know that pumpkin farms had so much awesome stuff for little ones. We went on a raining monday, but it was the only day free for us and Grandma Brown. Luckily there were a lot of preschool feild trips that day, so I think we got some extras that aren't usually there for everyone; and we just went to the opposite of the feildtrip people and got the things all to ourselves!
First we went to see the animals. Michael got to pet a little kitten, and bunny that were being held. We also got to see chickens, goats, pigs, and cows. Michael and Grandma got to feed the baby cows too! Then we got our pumpkins (of course it had to be raining the worst at this time, just our luck). On to the kids courtyard where there were water pump duck races (Michael's favorite). Then a corn play area, where the kids just played in the corn, Michael loved it. Next there were tracters to ride, and much more that we didn't even have time to do. Next year I will know to plan an entire day so we can do all the fun things! Needless to say Michael didn't want to go when we needed to. We will be back next year! Here are some pictures of our fun.
(Us in front of the pigs, too bad you can't actually see the pigs, but there are there. :)
Feeding the baby cows, Michael got scared and so Grandma had to finish.
Racing the ducks
Yes, Christina, the Social Skills Picture Book (not the High School one) is ideal for elementary and young children.
Fun! We are going to a pumpkin patch this weekend.
Fun stuff! We just carved Jack-O-Lanterns, and that's our extent of celebrating this year. :) Of course, other than dressing up and trick-or-treating. I'm excited about Shayla's and Paul's costumes this year, but I'll leave you in suspense to see what they are ...
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