Friday, November 27, 2009


So learning about Fall, Michael and I made our decoration for the front door. He fingerpainted the leaves I cut out. Then I wrote Fall and Michael sponge painted over it. I have to say I am loving the book, "Kitchen Table Play and Learn" by Tara Copley and Andrea Custer. It has themed lesson plans for preschoolers. Sure you can find lots online, but it is so nice to have them all together in one place in a lesson plan format, and online I got the book for around $3. It is awesome! So we had fun doing many lessons about Fall from it the last few weeks.

We had a good Thanksgiving yesturday. This year I didn't teach much about the actual Thanksgiving, but we focused on what we were thankful for. FHE was the Thankful lesson from the nursery manuel (I use it for all our FHE lessons). In the manuel it taught the kids to be thankful for; family, clothes, home, and food. So later as we were driving I decided to chat with Michael about what he was thankful for. Guess what he said?, "family, clothes, home and food." He had memorized it. I asked him if he was thankful for toys? "no" are you thankful for Emma? "No" are you thankful for mommy? "No". What are you thankful for? "family, clothes, home and food." I tried to explain that Emma and I were family, he didn't beileve it. So I see I have more teaching to do in that area. :)

We had a nice Thanksgiving with Kent's family. Each year it is tradition to make cranberry scones (my family tradition) so I was making those, and we all couldn't help but enjoy some fresh from the oven, nice and warm. The best! Then Michael asked me "Can I have another crannberry stepping stone?" Guess he didn't quite understand what a scone is.

Also Thanksgiving morning I made two turkeys, one for each (thanks for the idea Andrea!).
It has buttons that you use to put the feathers on and off. Great to work on the fine motor skills, and even better, a new something to work on/ play with while mom was cooking. :)

I am so grateful for this wonderful holiday to help remind me to have more gratitude for everything! I am not grateful nearly enough to our Heavenly Father for the COUTNLESS blessings He has given me! We are so blessed for loved ones- near and far, for our health, our home, and most of all for the knowledge of the Gospel here on the earth, with the priesthood power, and a living Prophet to lead and guide us. I could go on and on...

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year!

Friday, November 6, 2009

New Creations

Ok, so just some new creations we have at our house. I am just amazed each day as I see Michael doing more and more. I saw this picture and couldn't believe it. A race car on a race track. Can you see it too? Maybe it is just a mother thing. Michael also started drawing people with arms, legs, fingers, facial features, etc. Maybe it is the educator in me that is aware of these developmental milestones, but I love celebrating them.

Michael and his tower of blocks. :) He insists I take pictures of them before Emma knocks them down. It also helps him not be too upset when she does. He loves building things, so I thougth I would just throw this one in there. :)

And lastly, my new creation. I figured out a new style of fingerless gloves. If you have followed my blog for awhile you know that I have been trying to figure out fingerless gloves for Emma's sake (she has COLD hands, just like me). What's the saying? "Cold hands, warm heart"? If it's different don't tell me, I like to think of it that way. :) Anyways, I think I have found it. Plus I found the perfect yarn, washable wool, sport weight. Wool because it doesn't absorb water, but wicks it away, so when Emma sucks her thumb the entire glove doesn't get soaked. And they are machine washable, which is needed when you have little kids with gloves on their hands! They are simple, yet cute. Emma and Michael have a pair, now I need to make some for me as well. ;)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Book Review Time

So I have found myself really enjoying a number of books lately. So I thought I would let others know about them incase they may be interested in them too. These are not novel books, but more informational books. So the first book is...

The Creative Family by Amanda Blake Soule

I have always wanted to be more creative when it comes to letting my children do crafts, and such. So I found this book and just LOVE it. It talks about how to help facilitate creativity in your home with your kids. It talks about simple things like keeping the crayons, and paper accessable. Plus things like providing musical instruments for the kids to play. And tips on how to display your kids artwork. As well as encouraging parents to draw along with their kids. Now of course I'm not able to do everything. But I have gotten a lot of good ideas from this book that I have and will impliment in our home. And I have to say, just sitting down and drawing with your children, to enjoy it and not expect some masterpiece is tons of fun too.

So I recommend it and say it is worth a look. So go check it out from your library.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Now if I just keep the pictures maybe I will forget about everything else that happened and look at the pictures and believe that we had a wonderful Halloween. :)
Mr. Jack o' lantern survived the fall and made it to the front porch, minus the stem.
Michael as, of course his most favorite thing in the world, Lightning McQueen. And of course he had to wear his hat backwards, because that is how daddy wears his hats. (And thanks to Nancy for letting us borrow this costume)

Emma as our baby chicken. Very cute, and thanks to Lori for letting us borrow this costume. :)

Some cute knee high socks that I bought cheap and made into baby leggins for Halloween.

Our happy time carving our pumpkin.

Cute, adorable Emma sitting on our front porch with the pumpkins, prior to carving. :) (she is loving having her picture taken, and will now pose for me when the camera is out.)

Good times, with our pumpkins on the front porch.

I do have to say I love the Fall. :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Halloween

So Kent and I have never been really into Halloween. Before we had kids we didn’t do anything, but buy candy and pass it out. Maybe it is because we are both the youngest (him of 6 and me of 5) so by the time we came along our parents were tired of Halloween and didn’t do much either. Anyways, we are not Halloween people. I LOVE fall, and love to decorate for fall, but really not much with Halloween. But when Michael came along I felt obligated to give him some Halloween experience. So we carved the pumpkins and he dressed up, and I would take him around the block to trick or treat.

But this year has not been so much fun and I really have found more that I don’t like about Halloween than I like. I’m sure my sour disposition has more to do with what happened than Halloween itself, and maybe next year I will have a better disposition and happier outlook.

This year I had been sick for the entire week prior. Making Pumpkin carving, and all things Halloween, fall to the bottom of my priority list. The days were TV/movie days as I rested and tried to feel somewhat normal, tried to keep the house not a disaster, and think of something to feed the kids that would be remotely healthy. After a week of being sick I decided to see the doctor to make sure it wasn’t strep throat or the swine flu (although I doubted that; however my niece who babysits my kids as I tutor does have the swine flu, luckily due to my cold tutoring had been canceled the last week, and (crossing my fingers) I don’t think we have gotten it).

So Thursday I went to the doctor’s office, and due to my own mix up didn’t have a babysitter for my kids. And due to the banks mix up they had canceled my debit card so I had to find another card to pay at the doctor’s office. I was told from the doctor I only had a cold so I got in the car with the kids to go home to found that the battery on my car died. So I called my sister-in-law to jump start my car, only to find that it wouldn’t even jump start (the battery was TOAST) so I got a ride home from her. When Kent got home he had to buy a new battery for the car, and realized that one of the headlights on the car was also out, he bought the headlight, but as he was getting sick too he didn’t feel up to fixing that at the moment.

Friday I was feeling better and thought things were looking up. I went to the store for much needed groceries, and it felt good to get out of the house. Then Michael and I worked on our cutting skills as we cut out paper jack-o-lanterns and ghosts. I think that was my favorite part. I decided that pumpkin carving was either going to happen then or not at all, so Michael and I carved one of the pumpkins (thanks to Tracy for giving us 3 huge pumpkins from her garden!) while Kent was at work and Emma slept. As I went to put the jack-o-lantern on the front porch with the other pumpkins I slipped on the wet steps carrying the 10 pound jack-o-lantern. The jack-o-lantern survived, the stem broke off, and the flower pot below was toast. My back and side have the bruises to prove I'm not making this up. After that I was DONE with pumpkins, and the others did not get carved at all.

Kent got home and was sick as could be, so I dressed up Michael and Emma and us three went to the ward trunk-or-treat. It was ok, but somehow I felt like I was teaching my kids to beg for candy… I just didn’t like it. It seemed like a bunch of kids running around as fast as they could to get all the candy they could before it was all gone (which only took 30 min. for everyone to be out of candy!). Michael of course liked it and Emma enjoyed the candy too, she would not let go of her bag for anything!

Now Michael and Emma did have the start of the cold, but I had thought it wasn’t too bad, and that they could still trunk or treat. But as we got ready for bed Michael’s asthma kicked in again (I really thought we were over it!) So the breathing treatments increased to even more than recommend because he was struggling so much. Around 10pm Michael woke up crying unable to breath. I knew he needed the oral steroids and so I took him to the local ER. The ER here is known to be bad, but I thought since I knew what was wrong and what he needed it would be ok. But no. The doctor didn’t listen to me, insisted it wasn’t breathing problems but was pneumonia and wouldn’t give us the steroid, but instead an antibiotic. So we left there no better.

On the way home in the dark, or course I got pulled over by a cop because one of my headlights was out. Mind you this is the first time I have ever gotten pulled over by a cop. But I was too TICKED OFF at the hospital to even be a little nervous. I was MAD! The cop must have noticed I was not in a good mood as he walked up I said, “I know the headlight is out. The light is in the trunk, I can show it to you, my husband was too sick to fix it, and my son had to go to the ER tonight.” He took my license, registration, and insurance. Then decided to stop another car by foot coming towards us, and let me leave with no ticket.

But the fun didn’t end there. No. Since Michael didn’t get what he needed at the ER, Michael and I were up all night, as I gave him breathing treatments every 2 hours (instead of the recommended 4 hours) because the poor boy couldn’t breathe! His pediatrics walk in clinic opened at 9 am the next morning and I was there with Michael in the parking lot at 8:30am. Luckily as they opened the nurses who saw me waiting in the car told the other 6 people that we got to go first since we were in the parking lot first. Michael saw the doctor, who realized he was beyond the oral steroid and had to give him a shot of steroid. He confirmed that the ER doctor misdiagnosed Michael. And he gave me extra oral steroids to keep on hand if that ever happened again. This doctor was worried that Michael would have to be admitted to the Children’s hospital. We went home hoping for the best but with instructions to return immediately if things got worst. Well, Michael’s breathing got a little better, yet he started to get really pail. Luckily a second dose of oral steroids did the trick and he got his color back and started to help relax his airways and he was able to breathe much better.

Needless to say Saturday was not a celebration for us. My cold came back because of being up all night with Michael. So all 4 of us are now sick. I was not in a good mood and poor Kent took the brunt of it as I insisted that he fix the headlight and put traction strips on the front steps even though he was sick. The kids did not dress up and there was no trick or treating for them. We actually only had like 10 kids come to our house. I passed out pencils ;) and Michael didn’t seem to think he was missing out as he said he did his trick or treating Friday night.

So sorry for the LONG blog and if you read the entire thing you are a true friend, and thank you for taking the time to listen to my venting and I’m sure you now know why I was not a big fan of Halloween this year. Let’s hope next year is a better one!
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