Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Humpkin Carving
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Halloween Carnival
Friday, October 24, 2008
So my wonderful sister-in-law Nancy invited me over to can apple pie filling. I had never canned this before and am still relatively new to the whole canning process. But it was so much fun. However, I don't think I would like canning without someone there to talk to. Michael played with his cousin most of the time and had a blast, so we were free to can. Even Emma was happy to just be in the carrier on my back. So the next day I had to test it out to see how it would taste. I made apple crisp from it. Now, I am really not an apple pie person (although I do like desserts so it was worth a try) but this I LOVED! So yummy!
For those canners out there here is the recipe:
Apple Pie Filling
Makes enough syrup for 6 quarts
4 ½ cups of sugar (or 2 cups honey)
1 cup of cornstarch
2 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp nutmeg
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp lemon juice
10 cups water
In a large pot, whisk together dry ingredients (first 5.) Work out the cornstarch lumps until they are blended in the sugar. Add water. Stir over med-high heat until thickens and boils then add lemon juice. Fill jars with apples, pour syrup over and water bath for 20-25 minutes.
Apple Crisp Topping
½ cup rolled oats
½ cup flour
½ cup butter
½ cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 beaten egg
Pinch salt
Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar
Combine the rolled oats, flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Mix well. Then add the butter and beaten egg. Work together with a fork. Put 1 qt of apple pie filling in bottom of casserole dish. Place crisp topping on top. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
(And here's the end result, very yummy!)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Learning and Growing
(In her Halloween outfit)
Maybe it is the teacher in me, or maybe all mom's do this. But I sure love to see my kids learning and discovering new things. Emma is now at a fun stage where she is getting interested in more toys. I showed her a toy she hadn't seen before, and the look on her face was awesome. I just love to see her discovering new things. Oh, and her outfit, she is testing out her Halloween outfit, we had to make sure it fit since we got it at a garage sale this summer. :)
And also a milestone, she can now sit up for a little while on her own, not too long, but she is there, sitting up by herself now! Yeah.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Pumpkin Hunting
Michael, Emma, and I got to go pumpkin hunting with Grandma Brown. We went to Maris Farms this year. WOW! I didn't know that pumpkin farms had so much awesome stuff for little ones. We went on a raining monday, but it was the only day free for us and Grandma Brown. Luckily there were a lot of preschool feild trips that day, so I think we got some extras that aren't usually there for everyone; and we just went to the opposite of the feildtrip people and got the things all to ourselves!
First we went to see the animals. Michael got to pet a little kitten, and bunny that were being held. We also got to see chickens, goats, pigs, and cows. Michael and Grandma got to feed the baby cows too! Then we got our pumpkins (of course it had to be raining the worst at this time, just our luck). On to the kids courtyard where there were water pump duck races (Michael's favorite). Then a corn play area, where the kids just played in the corn, Michael loved it. Next there were tracters to ride, and much more that we didn't even have time to do. Next year I will know to plan an entire day so we can do all the fun things! Needless to say Michael didn't want to go when we needed to. We will be back next year! Here are some pictures of our fun.
Feeding the baby cows, Michael got scared and so Grandma had to finish.
Racing the ducks
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Treasured Tips
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
And of course I have to post a picture of Emma, being her cute and adorable self today. ;)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Looking Back
1) Michael, Emma and I went to the Puyallup fair early on a Friday morning the first day it was open, when it was free to get in. Too bad Kent had to work. :( But we had a blast! They had a spot where there were real fire trucks, firemen, and they would even let the kids try on the firefighter’s coats. Michael LOVED it! First he got to sit on the fire truck and was very reluctant to give it up to another child waiting. Then he got to wear the fireman coat. It was extremely heavy not to mention hot. Yet Michael didn’t want to give that up either. Then we got to the Deer John tractors. They let the little kids get on the tractors and take pictures. So I let Michael climb on. He had the time of his life. I put the picture of him on the tractor as the background for my cell phone. Now Michael is always grabbing my phone and saying that he wants to see the tractor.

2) One Saturday Kent’s dad called him to tell him there was a car show in town. When Kent was little he and his dad would go to these old car shows and have a blast. So we packed up the kids, and went to meet his dad at this car show. It was really cool to look at the old cars, and I couldn’t help but get a picture of 3 generations of Rowley guys at the car show.

3) So I love this baby sling called the Peanut Shell. I have tried many baby carriers, but this is the best for me, it is easy to put on, and Emma is happy in it and usually falls asleep easily in it. Everyone always says that I have to get a picture of Emma in it because she looks so adorable. So finally after the RS broadcast my mom thought to get a picture. It was dark out in the parking lot and I used my cell phone camera, but I still think it’s a cute picture.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
While Emma and I were resting apparently Kent and Michael had a blast building a train track. Male bonding, oh what fun! Thanks Deckers for the train and tracks, they are being put to good use. :)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
A New Do
Friday, October 10, 2008
Water Issues
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Adventures of a Two Year Old
I am sure that each one of you have some funny story about your children doing something equalily frustrating or worse, so please share. It would make my frustrating day better to hear that others have been there too. :)