Tuesday, September 1, 2009


So since Michael and Emma sleep in the same room we have to put them down at different times. If we didn't it would be a party in there. One night I just let it happen thinking they would eventually fall asleep, after one and 1/2 hours I finally went in and pulled Michael out and made him sleep in the toy room that night.

Usually in our routine, Michael would be the first to go down. But lately it has been Emma, since she went down to only one nap during the day, she needs to be in bed first! So last night Emma went down at 7:00. That meant that Michael got to stay up for half and hour. But we are mean parents and our rule is 7pm we are "off duty". So for Michael to have the privilege to stay up he has to stay on the couch. He can talk to us, but we will not get anything for him and he doesn't get to choose what to watch on TV. So usually he watches the "Food Network Challenge" show because that's what I want to watch and it is kid friendly. Well, apparently he was really tired, because around 7:15 he was out like a light! I couldn't help but laugh at how he was sound asleep sitting straight up. So I had to take a video, and share it on here.

I have heard other stories of funny places/positions children have fallen asleep. So share with me, what was the funniest place/position your child has ever fallen asleep in?


Kerri said...

I can not believe that!!!! it's awesome that he's sleeping sitting up!! sorry to disappoint, but my kids have only fallen asleep in the normal places-bed, carseat, arms, not even in the high chair! perhaps that's why i am so entertained by Michael!

Denise said...

So funny! I love the "off duty" rule and also use it. :) We've had problems for years w/the kids having a "dog party" when going to bed, and putting them down separately doesn't work since Zachary always gets scared when he goes down first and Tyler needs less sleep than he does. Sigh. Different rooms is helping ... but I'm so glad it's working out for you guys!!! (I can't watch the video b/c of our filter, but I'll turn it off and watch it soon. :)

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