Friday, September 25, 2009
Learning Empathy
So then the other day I woke up to find major pain when I moved! Kent was already at work and I just wondered how on earth I would be able to take care of two little ones with such pain. A long hot bath didn't help, so I set up the movies and lay on the couch while kids watched movies/snuggled with me laying down. I was lucky to get them feed and Emma's diapers changed. Luckily for me Kent was home early that day so I was able to get in to the chiropractor and learn that my tail bone was out, which gave me the lower back pain, pain in my right leg, and made it so that I couldn't bend over in the slightest. I figure God was just telling me I need to have more sympathy now empathy for my hard working husband.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Just two videos of my kids.
Emma has been so cute and hilarious as she babbles while reading a book. She moves her tongue in and out of her mouth to make the babbling noise, too funny. (and yes that is laundry you see behind her... I promise I will get to it later. :)
We had a busy Saturday, up early, Michael's swimming lessons, then trips to a few stores, since we are already out. We got home in the afternoon. Michael was asleep in the car seat but usually when I pick him up and bring him in the house he is wide awake again ready to go. So I set him down on the floor by the door expecting him to take off his shoes and start playing, but when I came back I found that he had just laid down on the floor and gone back to sleep. I guess those swimming lessons and walking all around the stores wore him out!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Current Projects and Cute Kids
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
First Day of School
In other news, we went to the fair, Michael started swimming lessons, and Michael helped me in adding decoration to the toy room. (pictures of them all coming soon) And poor Michael doesn't seem to get much of a break when it comes to sickness. He got a second infection and had to get a higher dose medicine, that made him break out, head to toe, in a rash. Add that to the list of things to inform the doctors about, an allergy to medication. Gesh, wish he would at least get a little break so I could get him the few vacinations that I actually want to get for him. But at least he is getting back to normal, still on the breathing medicine, and a little ichy from the rash, but back to his loveable, energetic self.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Baby Gifts
And of course I have to give credit for these great ideas to the wonderful crafty blogs out there. I am just so amazed at how many wonderful ideas are out there. I have added a few more of the "make it yourself" blogs to my favortie sites lists. I love that I can go there and click on a topic and find a wonderful gift to make for an occasion, or find cool things for my family. I am loving it!!!
Following are some gifts I sent out. I think they are adorable, but hey I guess I would since I made them. :)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Fun Projects!
But anyways on to my projects that Denise asked to see. :) So here you go.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Too many "want to"... not enought time
Which just makes me think of the Twilight Zone episode (yes I saw it growing up when I was way too young and had many a nightmares from them!) where a mom had a stopwatch that could stop time. I thought that was awesome then, but oh how I would love to have one now! Of course the ending is that an atomic bomb is going to hit and all will die, and she paused time and can't unpause it or life would be over. So she is left lonely. I'll take the stopwatch, but hold the atomic bomb, thanks. :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
In the end it was a fun celebration. Michael asked me where my birthday balloon was (because we had gotten one for Emma) I told him he would have to make me one. So he drew two birthday balloons for me that we hung up under the birthday banner. :) I also got phone calls from friends and family. Thanks to everyone for making my birthday a special one!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
So since Michael and Emma sleep in the same room we have to put them down at different times. If we didn't it would be a party in there. One night I just let it happen thinking they would eventually fall asleep, after one and 1/2 hours I finally went in and pulled Michael out and made him sleep in the toy room that night.
Usually in our routine, Michael would be the first to go down. But lately it has been Emma, since she went down to only one nap during the day, she needs to be in bed first! So last night Emma went down at 7:00. That meant that Michael got to stay up for half and hour. But we are mean parents and our rule is 7pm we are "off duty". So for Michael to have the privilege to stay up he has to stay on the couch. He can talk to us, but we will not get anything for him and he doesn't get to choose what to watch on TV. So usually he watches the "Food Network Challenge" show because that's what I want to watch and it is kid friendly. Well, apparently he was really tired, because around 7:15 he was out like a light! I couldn't help but laugh at how he was sound asleep sitting straight up. So I had to take a video, and share it on here.
I have heard other stories of funny places/positions children have fallen asleep. So share with me, what was the funniest place/position your child has ever fallen asleep in?