I think I was very naïve, with the economy going bad, I wasn’t really worried. I kept thinking that the media was making too big a deal about it and that it would all work out in a little bit on it’s own. I mean, personally I can remember many times when it was all doom and gloom and then things got better. And maybe that is still true (we can all hope!) But a part of it truly hit home when my husband got laid off. And is now finding it difficult to find another job in his field.
We had just gotten through a tough time with work, pregnancy, and many family issues. At that time I metaphorically felt as if I was treading water and not doing a very good job of it. I could picture myself in the deep sea, just trying to hang on as big waves came crashing down on me. And then some relief came, a new job, like a wooden platform floating in the sea to which I could pull myself and family up onto. I feel like we were just starting to get our footing to stand tall, and then another big wave followed by a few others come crashing in to knock us all back into the water. To leave me treading water once more trying to keep my family and myself afloat.
I have to admit I was not having the best of times and was feeling very much, “Why me? Why now? Haven’t we already been through enough?” It wasn’t a good feeling and was really getting me stressed and feeling down. Until a wonderful thing happened. I thought to myself, “I wish I had a wonderfully close relationship with a friend that I could just call up cry with, tell all my worries to, and have them just listen, cry with me, not judge me, and some how make everything better.” And then I realized that I did! I had my Savior, Jesus Christ, and my Heavenly Father. They know me, They know what I am going through, and actually Christ had already suffered the pain I was going through, just for me! I could kneel down in prayer, tell my Heavenly Father all my worries, cry with Him, know that He is listening, loving me, and willing to help me. I prayed for peace and joy. Nothing else, not for all my problems to be fixed, but that I will find peace and joy amidst the struggle. And the most wonderful thing happened. My worry, fear, and doubt, my self pity, and stress, were all taken away. I resolved to be better, to do better, and to always strive to do what the Savior would do. I am far from perfect, but I can do my best. And oh what peace and joy filled me. I am happy once more, I know that my Savior and Heavenly Father know me and all that is happening. I know things will work out, how much more I may have to endure or go through I don’t know. But things will work out.
So as I was splashing and struggling in the water trying to keep my head from going under, all I had to do was have faith, reach out my hand, ask for my Savior’s help, and he pulled me and my family up. And yes, we can walk on water! The water is still there, the waves are still crashing, but I am walking on water.
Isn't that amazing! The Savior is just waiting for us to come to Him. He has no specifications on how big or small the problem. In fact, He wants us to come to Him with every negative feeling, anytime, anywhere, about anything. I have found Him with His arms outstreached so many times, and it builds such a relationship with Him when I bring Him everything that needs help in my life. He gives me a different perspective and strengthens me.
What a wonderfull friend and support He is!
You can call me anytime and just cry and I wont judge you. And if you say you just want to vent, I won't try to fix anything. I will just listen and be there for you. And I DON'T spread rummors; I don't believe in even listening to them.
Take care, and I'm glad you are walking on water!
Christina~ This is so beautifully written. I'm so glad you've been given peace in the storm. I LOVE the story of Peter walking on the water and how he could do it as long as his focus was directly on the Savior. You reminded me of that story with yours. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Yes, it was a reference to Peter walking on water. We had a wonderful Stake Conference about personal revelation, and faith, and there was the story about Peter. But through all the talk, the spirit spoke to me, more about Peter, and that faith to walk on water. And I finally put it all together and thus the blog post.
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