Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Warning! The following is a birth story. If you choose not to read it I totally understand.
How We Met
It was a typical drizzly Seattle day. I was dying to meet my new baby, and had already experienced many Braxton hicks. I had just been to see my mid-wife and on the way home I decided to stop by a local baby store and buy an outfit for my baby that was girly, just in case they were right and she really was a girl. A few hours later the contractions started, but I didn’t believe it, I had been too excited before. But they kept coming and getting stronger. But still nothing I couldn’t deal with. I learned that if I did a hula-hoop motion with my hips the contractions were very manageable. Yet, I did call my mid-wife who happened to be an hour away and told her what was happening. She said she would check on me when she arrived back in town to see if this was the real thing. I also called my sister-in-law to let her know that this possibly could be it. She came and saw me chatting and totally with it, pausing a few moments for the contractions, and she said “oh, you’re having too much fun, it’s hard to tell between Braxton hicks, but this can’t be real labor.” Shortly after, around 9:00 pm my mid wife arrived and said, “Yes, the baby is coming tonight.”
So the pool got set up in the family room, with warm water filling it up. As soon as it was high enough I got right in. I have always loved the effects of warm water, and laboring in the warm pool was wonderful. As the contractions got stronger and closer together I learned that if I let my body float in the water the contractions were very slight and it gave me the rest I needed and the strength to get back to work. I took some much needed breaks this way, but never let them go to long, I was anxious to meet my baby!
I was much more alert this time than with my first baby’s birth, enjoying the conversation around me, even though I was not able to participate in it much. They were telling funny stories about people and funny situations. It helped me focus on their stories so I didn’t focus on the pain. The nice backrubs and warm water pored on my back helped a lot, as well as being able to squeeze my husbands hand as hard as I wanted. I felt pampered and was going to take every advantage of it! The lights were dimmed, my favorite classical music played in the background, people spoke in hushed voices, and the aroma of the rose scented candles all combined to help me feel warm and at peace.
As things got harder I started to chant “out, out, OUT!” And I heard my husband comment “It’s enough to make me not want to have kids again, so she doesn’t have to go through the pain.” But by that time I was in my own world, focused on getting the baby out and doing all I could to make it happen. I was in the pool, in my favorite birthing position, hands and knees. The mid-wife kept telling me a few more pushes and she is out, just take it slow. After my son’s birth, I knew that I could endure the pain; I would deal with it happily to make sure all went well and soon it would all be over. My midwife offered to break my water, I thought about it through the next two contractions, and when I finally decided to do it (I knew it would bring more pain, but also a faster delivery) the opportunity was gone. But my baby soon arrived at 12:20 am (a little over 3 hours) and I was able to lift my little girl out of the water and with a loud cry she said hello. After my midwife got a look at her as I held her, I sat up and cradled her in my arms. She instantly was quiet as we looked into each others eyes for the first time, finally happy to meet one another.
So the pool got set up in the family room, with warm water filling it up. As soon as it was high enough I got right in. I have always loved the effects of warm water, and laboring in the warm pool was wonderful. As the contractions got stronger and closer together I learned that if I let my body float in the water the contractions were very slight and it gave me the rest I needed and the strength to get back to work. I took some much needed breaks this way, but never let them go to long, I was anxious to meet my baby!
I was much more alert this time than with my first baby’s birth, enjoying the conversation around me, even though I was not able to participate in it much. They were telling funny stories about people and funny situations. It helped me focus on their stories so I didn’t focus on the pain. The nice backrubs and warm water pored on my back helped a lot, as well as being able to squeeze my husbands hand as hard as I wanted. I felt pampered and was going to take every advantage of it! The lights were dimmed, my favorite classical music played in the background, people spoke in hushed voices, and the aroma of the rose scented candles all combined to help me feel warm and at peace.
As things got harder I started to chant “out, out, OUT!” And I heard my husband comment “It’s enough to make me not want to have kids again, so she doesn’t have to go through the pain.” But by that time I was in my own world, focused on getting the baby out and doing all I could to make it happen. I was in the pool, in my favorite birthing position, hands and knees. The mid-wife kept telling me a few more pushes and she is out, just take it slow. After my son’s birth, I knew that I could endure the pain; I would deal with it happily to make sure all went well and soon it would all be over. My midwife offered to break my water, I thought about it through the next two contractions, and when I finally decided to do it (I knew it would bring more pain, but also a faster delivery) the opportunity was gone. But my baby soon arrived at 12:20 am (a little over 3 hours) and I was able to lift my little girl out of the water and with a loud cry she said hello. After my midwife got a look at her as I held her, I sat up and cradled her in my arms. She instantly was quiet as we looked into each others eyes for the first time, finally happy to meet one another.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Please Share the Good Stories Too!
Why is it that when a group of women gather around another woman nearing the birth of her child, the conversation always turns to the scary, painful birth stories? Is it that each person has to play the game “mine was worse than yours”? or is it that each person really has a traumatic birth story to tell. I thought I had great stories to tell, but quickly learned that I had nothing compared to most. Scary stories, of vacuum extractors, heart rate drops, c-sections, and episiotomies. Does the media depiction of birth lead us to tell only our scary birth stories, and keep the wonderful happy stories to ourselves?
After the birth of my second baby (a daughter) my husband stated that if I have another baby when she is older that she needs to attend the birth. I totally agree! I think of what a good impact would be made if young girls (I’m thinking 10 and up) were able to witness a live birth. My reasoning? To let girls know that birth is a natural process. That yes, it hurts, but it is a good hurt. That your body does know what to do. Heavenly Father created our bodies with giving birth in mind. That a woman’s body has all it needs to complete the process itself.
Now don’t get me wrong, I would not sign up to have teenage girls at my birth (just my own daughters, thank you!) I am not one who likes a party when I am in labor. But still what an impact I think can be made by letting our young daughters know that birth is a wonderful, miraculous process. That there can be much peace and joy in a room of a birthing mother.
I know there is a big debate over home birth verses hospital birth. And I totally fall on the side of home birth. But that is for me. That is where I can do the work (labor) the best, and therefore the safest for my children. But I know others do better at a hospital, knowing at a seconds notice the help they may need is there ready. Me, too much intervention which would do more harm than good. But that is a bog post for a different time.
My hope now is to encourage those out there with good birthing stories, whether at home or hospital or anywhere in between, to be more vocal about them. When everyone starts sharing their scary birth stories around the soon to give birth mother, could we not share the happy birth stories we have, tell what a blessing it is to give birth. What a miracle God gave us as women. And maybe sooth the nerves of the soon to be mother, and teach our growing daughters that when done at the right time, under the right circumstances birth is a wonderful thing, not to be feared.
After the birth of my second baby (a daughter) my husband stated that if I have another baby when she is older that she needs to attend the birth. I totally agree! I think of what a good impact would be made if young girls (I’m thinking 10 and up) were able to witness a live birth. My reasoning? To let girls know that birth is a natural process. That yes, it hurts, but it is a good hurt. That your body does know what to do. Heavenly Father created our bodies with giving birth in mind. That a woman’s body has all it needs to complete the process itself.
Now don’t get me wrong, I would not sign up to have teenage girls at my birth (just my own daughters, thank you!) I am not one who likes a party when I am in labor. But still what an impact I think can be made by letting our young daughters know that birth is a wonderful, miraculous process. That there can be much peace and joy in a room of a birthing mother.
I know there is a big debate over home birth verses hospital birth. And I totally fall on the side of home birth. But that is for me. That is where I can do the work (labor) the best, and therefore the safest for my children. But I know others do better at a hospital, knowing at a seconds notice the help they may need is there ready. Me, too much intervention which would do more harm than good. But that is a bog post for a different time.
My hope now is to encourage those out there with good birthing stories, whether at home or hospital or anywhere in between, to be more vocal about them. When everyone starts sharing their scary birth stories around the soon to give birth mother, could we not share the happy birth stories we have, tell what a blessing it is to give birth. What a miracle God gave us as women. And maybe sooth the nerves of the soon to be mother, and teach our growing daughters that when done at the right time, under the right circumstances birth is a wonderful thing, not to be feared.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Can I brag?
Sorry, this may bore some, but as a proud mommy I can't help but brag about my beautiful talented children! Emma is growing so much that I just have to let everyone know all she is now able to do. Emma is now pulling herself up on furniture, she says "mum mum" and "da da", signs "more", and signs "finished", and will "give you kisses" as in she will make the kissing sound with her lips toward you when you ask for a kiss, (a cute non-messy way to get a kiss :).
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
organization tip
Now that Michael is really getting into puzzles, we are getting a few, I learned a really good tip for keeping them organized. The other day I helped Nancy clean up and sort through her puzzles, and she let me have the ones her kids have out grown. :) Thanks. And while I was helping her I saw a wonderful organization system that she used. With puzzles put a letter or some distiguishing mark on the back to let you know which puzzle it belongs to. So if you ever find a random puzzle piece laying around, you know where it belongs, and if you have a huge mess of puzzles, you can quickly sort them out. :) I just finished marking all the ones that we currently have. Thought I would share the tip. Hope it helps someone.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!
So this year Dad’s birthday fell on a Monday. Thanks Denise for the wonderful idea to do FHE and celebrate his birthday! So we packed up our kids and took them to Grandpa’s gravesite. I was a bit worried about how it would go as it had been raining a lot that day, and was still lightly raining. Plus the sun was starting to set, I was worried that it would go dark on us. But when we arrived, the rain stopped and the sun showed through the clouds, and held on long enough for us to visit, talk about Grandpa, and sing happy birthday to him. I think Dad was smiling down on us, helping us out. So we talked to Michael about how Grandpa’s body is buried there, but that his spirit is in heaven. (Which is a very hard concept for a 3 year old!) At home I showed Michael and Emma pictures of Grandpa, unfortunately they were never able to meet him. But some day they will. :) So anyways, Happy Birthday Dad! We love you and miss you!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I made the statement a little bit ago that I hated the fact that Kent and I are both the youngest in our families. Denise, you asked me why, because there truly are many, many advantages to being the youngest, and I would be the first to admit them and state that I truly enjoy them.
Yet when I was at college and dating I always pictured marring a man older than my brother who is 2 ½ years older than me. I thought I had to marry someone older than him. But alas, I married a wonderful man, but he is only 6 months older than me and therefore still younger than my brother. And of course my brother had to marry a wonderful woman who is older than me, by a matter of days!
After Denise asked me why, it really made me think. Why did I not like being the youngest? And thus far the answer I have come to is this. I hate feeling like I’m the one making the silly, naive mistakes. That everyone in my family is wiser and knows so much more. Not that any of them try to make me feel this way. It is all me putting this on myself. But I feel like they are all so much smarter, wiser, and know so much more than me. Just the same as when we were young. I remember many times when I would say “Well, when I am your age then ….” And my smart older brother would reply “You’ll never be my age, cause when you are 10 I will then be 12 and you will never be able to catch up to me!” And thus it continues.
True there is a flip side to that. And I already do take advantage of it. I am young and youthful, as he and all my siblings are getting OLD! And they are there for me when I ask for advice. It is nice to have someone you can trust who is older and wiser, maybe even been through the same thing, to help me out. But oh, how I wish I was wiser and smarter like my older siblings and sibling in-laws.
Yet when I was at college and dating I always pictured marring a man older than my brother who is 2 ½ years older than me. I thought I had to marry someone older than him. But alas, I married a wonderful man, but he is only 6 months older than me and therefore still younger than my brother. And of course my brother had to marry a wonderful woman who is older than me, by a matter of days!
After Denise asked me why, it really made me think. Why did I not like being the youngest? And thus far the answer I have come to is this. I hate feeling like I’m the one making the silly, naive mistakes. That everyone in my family is wiser and knows so much more. Not that any of them try to make me feel this way. It is all me putting this on myself. But I feel like they are all so much smarter, wiser, and know so much more than me. Just the same as when we were young. I remember many times when I would say “Well, when I am your age then ….” And my smart older brother would reply “You’ll never be my age, cause when you are 10 I will then be 12 and you will never be able to catch up to me!” And thus it continues.
True there is a flip side to that. And I already do take advantage of it. I am young and youthful, as he and all my siblings are getting OLD! And they are there for me when I ask for advice. It is nice to have someone you can trust who is older and wiser, maybe even been through the same thing, to help me out. But oh, how I wish I was wiser and smarter like my older siblings and sibling in-laws.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I am loving the fact that Michael is now old enough to realize what is happening, and learn traditions. This last Christmas is the first that he has really talked about, and he still points out “Christmas trees” on the road as we drive by. So I wanted to make his 3rd birthday a fun one for him that he will remember.

When daddy got home we had our birthday celebration with cake and presents. He was so adorable; he kept saying “Wow” and “Gosh” even before he got to the actual present. It was so much fun. And the best part about it is… I had bought his birthday presents already in December, during all the Christmas sales. So really all though things are tight, I already had the gifts for him and didn’t have to feel bad about either not getting him things, or for spending money. I’m glad for that inspiration to buy both Michael's and Emma’s birthday gifts in December.

Michael chose his cake, a white cake with chocolate frosting. (I’m not talented enough to make an actual design out of the cake, so his choices were the type of cake and the type of frosting). This was also the first time Emma got to eat cake. And boy did she enjoy it!

So thanks to all those out there with the wonderful birthday wishes for Michael. I had him watch the pictures and read to him the birthday greetings. He enjoyed them all. I can’t believe my little boy is now 3 years old! I still call him “Babe” I wonder when I will have to stop doing that? I hope not any time soon.
Michael had been talking about wanting party hats and balloons for his birthday. So last night I made us birthday hats, and decorated the house. This morning we got a grand breakfast of crispy waffles, sausage, and eggs. Then I let Michael choose what to do all day today; play outside, watch TV, play with toys. We didn’t have to go anywhere, so today was a day to just play with the kids. (I love those days!) Then Michael helped me make his cake and frosting.
When daddy got home we had our birthday celebration with cake and presents. He was so adorable; he kept saying “Wow” and “Gosh” even before he got to the actual present. It was so much fun. And the best part about it is… I had bought his birthday presents already in December, during all the Christmas sales. So really all though things are tight, I already had the gifts for him and didn’t have to feel bad about either not getting him things, or for spending money. I’m glad for that inspiration to buy both Michael's and Emma’s birthday gifts in December.
Michael chose his cake, a white cake with chocolate frosting. (I’m not talented enough to make an actual design out of the cake, so his choices were the type of cake and the type of frosting). This was also the first time Emma got to eat cake. And boy did she enjoy it!
So thanks to all those out there with the wonderful birthday wishes for Michael. I had him watch the pictures and read to him the birthday greetings. He enjoyed them all. I can’t believe my little boy is now 3 years old! I still call him “Babe” I wonder when I will have to stop doing that? I hope not any time soon.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
So I have to apologize to those who know me in person and read my blog as well. I seem to take more chances with my blog than I actually do in person. I am the type that does not freely discuss my feelings (only with those very very close to me). To everyone else I tend to give only a surface view. I have always keep my feelings and thoughts private, and have always had a journal or some type of writing outlet to record my personal feelings that I just don’t know how to convey in person. So if you are thinking, “Wow, I really don’t know Christina!” I am sorry, it is my fault. I am working on this, and trying to take more risks. I can convey myself better through writing. I wish I could do it speaking in person, but that is not one of my talents. So this is an apology to those out there. I am trying to be better and work on it, but until then, enjoy the blog posts and get to know me better in a different way.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Can I walk on Water?
I think I was very naïve, with the economy going bad, I wasn’t really worried. I kept thinking that the media was making too big a deal about it and that it would all work out in a little bit on it’s own. I mean, personally I can remember many times when it was all doom and gloom and then things got better. And maybe that is still true (we can all hope!) But a part of it truly hit home when my husband got laid off. And is now finding it difficult to find another job in his field.
We had just gotten through a tough time with work, pregnancy, and many family issues. At that time I metaphorically felt as if I was treading water and not doing a very good job of it. I could picture myself in the deep sea, just trying to hang on as big waves came crashing down on me. And then some relief came, a new job, like a wooden platform floating in the sea to which I could pull myself and family up onto. I feel like we were just starting to get our footing to stand tall, and then another big wave followed by a few others come crashing in to knock us all back into the water. To leave me treading water once more trying to keep my family and myself afloat.
I have to admit I was not having the best of times and was feeling very much, “Why me? Why now? Haven’t we already been through enough?” It wasn’t a good feeling and was really getting me stressed and feeling down. Until a wonderful thing happened. I thought to myself, “I wish I had a wonderfully close relationship with a friend that I could just call up cry with, tell all my worries to, and have them just listen, cry with me, not judge me, and some how make everything better.” And then I realized that I did! I had my Savior, Jesus Christ, and my Heavenly Father. They know me, They know what I am going through, and actually Christ had already suffered the pain I was going through, just for me! I could kneel down in prayer, tell my Heavenly Father all my worries, cry with Him, know that He is listening, loving me, and willing to help me. I prayed for peace and joy. Nothing else, not for all my problems to be fixed, but that I will find peace and joy amidst the struggle. And the most wonderful thing happened. My worry, fear, and doubt, my self pity, and stress, were all taken away. I resolved to be better, to do better, and to always strive to do what the Savior would do. I am far from perfect, but I can do my best. And oh what peace and joy filled me. I am happy once more, I know that my Savior and Heavenly Father know me and all that is happening. I know things will work out, how much more I may have to endure or go through I don’t know. But things will work out.
So as I was splashing and struggling in the water trying to keep my head from going under, all I had to do was have faith, reach out my hand, ask for my Savior’s help, and he pulled me and my family up. And yes, we can walk on water! The water is still there, the waves are still crashing, but I am walking on water.
We had just gotten through a tough time with work, pregnancy, and many family issues. At that time I metaphorically felt as if I was treading water and not doing a very good job of it. I could picture myself in the deep sea, just trying to hang on as big waves came crashing down on me. And then some relief came, a new job, like a wooden platform floating in the sea to which I could pull myself and family up onto. I feel like we were just starting to get our footing to stand tall, and then another big wave followed by a few others come crashing in to knock us all back into the water. To leave me treading water once more trying to keep my family and myself afloat.
I have to admit I was not having the best of times and was feeling very much, “Why me? Why now? Haven’t we already been through enough?” It wasn’t a good feeling and was really getting me stressed and feeling down. Until a wonderful thing happened. I thought to myself, “I wish I had a wonderfully close relationship with a friend that I could just call up cry with, tell all my worries to, and have them just listen, cry with me, not judge me, and some how make everything better.” And then I realized that I did! I had my Savior, Jesus Christ, and my Heavenly Father. They know me, They know what I am going through, and actually Christ had already suffered the pain I was going through, just for me! I could kneel down in prayer, tell my Heavenly Father all my worries, cry with Him, know that He is listening, loving me, and willing to help me. I prayed for peace and joy. Nothing else, not for all my problems to be fixed, but that I will find peace and joy amidst the struggle. And the most wonderful thing happened. My worry, fear, and doubt, my self pity, and stress, were all taken away. I resolved to be better, to do better, and to always strive to do what the Savior would do. I am far from perfect, but I can do my best. And oh what peace and joy filled me. I am happy once more, I know that my Savior and Heavenly Father know me and all that is happening. I know things will work out, how much more I may have to endure or go through I don’t know. But things will work out.
So as I was splashing and struggling in the water trying to keep my head from going under, all I had to do was have faith, reach out my hand, ask for my Savior’s help, and he pulled me and my family up. And yes, we can walk on water! The water is still there, the waves are still crashing, but I am walking on water.
Friday, March 6, 2009
You wouldn’t normally celebrate that you have average kids. I mean don’t we all aim to help our kids reach above average? But this time, no, I’m fine that my kids are just average. We just had Michael’s 3 year check up and Emma’s 9 month check up. I’m so glad they were able to do them at the same time. And I thought it was quite funny just how average my two kids are. I’m sure by now you know where I’m going. So for Michael, 50% in height and 50% in weight. Emma 50% in height and 50% in weight. It's funny how average and similar they are. Now I do have to mention, that their head size is below average, both are 25% in head size. Same stats for both kids, you sure can tell they are brother and sister! So that’s my kids about average with small heads. And I love them both to pieces.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A New Discovery
So thanks to Baba Boat’s recommendation I have made a new discovery. What’s that you ask? Well it is a nice helpful website called allrecipes.com. There you can find tons of different recipes tried by actual people, who then leave comments about the recipe. I personally love it for the fact that I can type in ingredients that I already have and it will search for recipes that have those ingredients in them. We tried a Chicken Enchilada recipe the other day, and it came out great! So for any of those out there wanting to try new recipes, yet don’t want to go out and buy all new ingredients that they may never use, check this place out. And let me know about any good recipes you liked. :)
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