Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Spiders and a Sweet Boy

Anyone who knows me knows I am not a fan of spiders. Usually, they met their fate when they run into me... unless we have an agreement made where they stay in their corner and don't bother me (only if the corner is very much out of the way of family life) a few have broken the agreement and hence are no longer with us.

But yesterday morning I went to the laundry room and found a, big enough for me not to like, spider in the mop bucket. But I remembered that I had a glass jar going to the recycling bin, and thought it would be fun to catch it and let Michael observe it and see a spider up close (since he never gets the chance as I always kill them). So I put holes in the lid and caught it in the jar and showed it to Michael. We count the legs and made other observations, and then we moved on with our day.

I was debating what to do with it... then as I was cleaning, another spider was found, I quickly took another jar and put it in there. Then we commented on how they looked different, yet had the same number of legs, etc so it too was a spider.

I forgot about the spiders on the counter top and went about my day until Michael came to inform me that the spiders were very sad because they were trapped in a jar and that they wanted out. I quickly informed him that they would not be let out in or near my house... but that we should and would let them go later today.

So our adventure for today, finding, catching, and letting go of two spiders in my house. They were informed before they were released that if they came back to my home they would not be given a second chance.

It does make me happy that my little boy has a sensitive spirit and wants even spiders to be happy.


Andrea said...

Sounds like me and you are very much alike when it comes to spiders.

Brown Family said...

And the boy has a nice momma, who in spite of her fear/dislike, let him keep pet spiders for part of a day. :)

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