I am blessed to have a nursery leader that loves Michael and it really makes a difference! The other day when I went to drop Michael off at nursery, the leader asked me to stay a minute and handed me a book. She told me how it was Michael's favorite, how he was continually asking it to be read to him. She decided that since he liked it so much she would buy him a copy. And of course wrote a sweet note to him on the inside cover. It was so sweet of her to even think of doing that. So we came home with the new book. And Michael asked to be read it over and over. It is a cute book, about a car race, so of course he loves it. :) He basically has the book memorized now and will "read" it by himself when he is unable to get us to. :) I have to say my boy is totally adorable, but it is nice to have others adore him too. :)
What a sweet nursery teacher. It's great when they go above and beyond their calling to help and teach your kids.
That's awesome. I hope that one day I will appreciate nursery-age kids again when I'm not busy w/them at home. :)
One of Tyler's teachers in Covington was the same way. She bought a truck for Tyler since she knew how much he loved to play w/them. Then she was his sunbeam teacher and bought him a fish. (Poor Henry the Octopus is no longer with us, though. :)
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