Monday, July 27, 2009

Rowley Family Mission Statment

The end result... a Rowley Family Mission statment. Kent and I sat down and talked about the things we want to focus on and have in our family mission statement. Then it was my job to write it up. I did and have had it hanging in the kitchen, when I would pass it I would make changes here and there. In the end I realized that I used too many words and could say the same thing simpler. I am very happy how it turned out. We may end up changing it here and there as the kids grow. But for now I like it. It will be a good guide for Kent and I in determining what activities, etc. we are going to participate in, and what direction we will steer our family in. So if you were wondering here it is.

"As a family we will strive daily to cultivate LOVE to make our home a haven.
We will do this by...
*Serving GOD first in all we do
*Nurturing FAMILY relationships
*Being lifelong LEARNERS
*Developing HEALTHY habits
As we do these we will remember to ENJOY life."

I decided to bold the important words, so at a glance we can be reminded of it. Kent and I also decided that we will set one goal that we can work on that falls under a category. We like to keep it simple and obtainable. So anyways, there it is. :)


Brown Family said...

Good job. I like it.

Andrea said...

I like your statement.

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