Friday, July 24, 2009

Brown Reunion

I have to say that I was very worried about camping with little ones. I had not had good experiences in the past. I was afraid that they would cry all night (because of the new environment) and keep everyone camping near us awake. But actually the days were so packed and they were up much later than normal that when it came to bed time, all I had to do was leave and my wonderful husband had them sound asleep by the time I got back. :) They even slept in much later than normal as well. Michael loved camping, except for the bugs. He even commented to me that he could hear the mosquitoes talking (you know the buzzing noise they make when there are a lot in one place). Our tent was a lot bigger than I remembered it too. There was room for the playpen, 2 queen mattresses, and still room for luggage and walking room, plus an "entry way". Michael got one queen sized mattress all to himself! It was cute to see such a small boy on such a big bed!

We got to enjoy the water while camping. Michael loved the water so much! He practically spent the entire day in it, although he was shivering from the cold of the water. In the end he and daddy got good sunburns even thought they had sunblock on (I need to remember to reapply!)

It was so good to see family and catch up. Michael enjoyed getting to know his Uncle Jeff (which he called Uncle Rob for most of the time, it doesn't help that he has 2 Uncle Jeff's) and Auntie Ricia. And of course he LOVED their dog D-O-G (I know they have a fancy way to spell it, but I can't remember). And playing with his cousins was wonderful too. It was so good for us all to reconnect.

Michael on his queen sized mattress

My niece and her baby, I can't believe I am a great aunt!

Emma LOVING her Auntie Ricia

Daddy and Michael swimming

Michael and uncle Jeff playing with D-O-G

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