Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bum Blankets

So with learning this cloth diapering thing I have had to try different techniques and such to find what works for me. One thing I was trying to figure out was the wipes. I tried to have dry wipes that I sprayed water on... but that didn't clean as well as I liked. So then I switched to a tub of wipes in wet water (just a little tea tree oil to keep it from molding). But the wipes I had were very well used and for me didn't have the softness I wanted. So I decided to make my own. I used flannel on one side and Minky (the very soft baby blanket stuff) on the other side. I made a few and loved how soft they were, they really were just mini blankets, so I thought it would be fun to call them "Bum Blankets" you know blankets for the bum. :) I tried them, and they worked wonderfully. The minky had the grab power to get the job done and yet was so soft and gentle on Emma's delicate skin. Anyone considering or doing cloth diapering I recommend making some of these. I don't mind spending a little more to make these wipes since I know I will use them many times over (and hopefully for many more children), plus I can make them the size I like.


Molly said...

Good to know! I think I'll have to make myself some. How big do you make them?

Kerri said...

Cool, Christina! Now we have to figure out how to make them long and skinny to roll around a Charmin toilet paper roll for even us potty trained folk!

Brown Family said...

Very creative. You're making me very glad I don't cloth diaper, because there is so much more to it than cloth diapers! Seems very tiring. :)

Funny you mention this, because just today I told Paul I would never make home-made wipes again, and he said to send the stuff to you. I guess you don't need it after all!

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