On our way to the Brown reunion we had to drive through Portland. So of course we had to stop and visit the temple. Even though by stopping it made us late to the reunion and poor Kent and Jeff and to set up the tent in the dark, it was very much worth it! It was such a wonderful experience to take our children to the temple grounds to teach them some basic gospel principles and to show them where our eternal family was created. What a blessing to have temples! The blessing that come from them are many, but at this time we are focused on teaching our children about the blessing of eternal families. That because Kent and I were sealed in the temple, us and all our children will be able to live together in heaven as an eternal family. I wish we could take the kids more often to the Portland temple, but we are blessed to have the Seattle temple very close that we can do Family Home Evenings with the kids there. Enjoy the pictures of our family at the temple where we became an Eternal Family. (Michael's favorite part was seeing Moroni on the top of the temple, at every angle he would ask where Moroni was.)

1 comment:
I've walked around the Portland temple. It's gorgeous. I'm glad my mom took the time to stop at it because I feel a connection to it. It I didn't walk around it, it would be just another picture of another building you hear about.
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