Sunday, January 31, 2010
Adventures in Food Choices
So I am trying to keep in the budget and still buy organic foods. I'm trying to find a balance in this, you could totally go far with this, eliminating, or trying to eliminate all the "toxins" in your life. Me, I've started with more whole grains (not so easy to find organic, so really I've not tried there) and moved to buying organic fruit and veggies. I defiantly don't want to buy meat that is not free range and grass/naturally fed (cows are not meant to eat corn!). So organic meat for me, but Kent is not quite sold on the idea as he likes his meat, and organic meat is EXPENSIVE! I am happy just to reduce our meat intake, but we will have to see where we end up.
So I went to the store and bought all the yummy organic food. Came home and washed and mixed up a wonderful salad. We all sat down to dinner and served up the salad as a side dish. Midway through the dinner I looked up and saw a ladybug on a piece of broccoli in my salad! What do you do? celebrate that nothing in your food has toxins that would kill a ladybug? celebrate the discovery of a cool bug that your kids can look at up close? Be disgusted that there is a bug in your food and worry "are there more?" Well, I did all the above. A hilarious start to our eating revolution. It will be interesting to see where we go from here.
Monday, January 25, 2010
First Article of Faith
Every night with our family scripture study, we sing the primary song they are learning that month and do the theme and scripture and article of faith. This month the theme and scripture is the first article of faith. And the article of faith our primary is learning is the 13th. I thought it would be a good refresher for Kent and I and good for Emma and Michael to hear it and learn what they mean. I thought Michael would be able to learn and possibly memorize the first article of faith, but I didn't think he would memorize the 13th. But he did. I guess it just goes to show that even though, there is screaming, hitting, and constant moving while we are trying to teach the gospel, they still manage to listen and learn!
13th Article of Faith
I finally was able to get video clips on the blog. Now I just can't figure out how to turn it the right way. But I think he's still cute.
New movie
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What We've Been Up To
Emma is no longer nursing. Of course not by her choosing, but by mine. I was done. And I can't tell you how nice it feels, to finally have my body to myself again. Other mom's will totally understand this. But I realized that I have either been pregnant or nursing for more than 4 years straight now. It's time to give my hormones a break and allow them to get back to some type of normal.
Michael had to give his first talk in primary! It was only the second Sunday that he had been in primary, and the first Sunday was the Bishopric. So I was worried that he really didn't know how others did it. So we practiced, memorized, practiced in the primary room with the microphone, and then just hoped it would work. He did have it memorized. In the end I said most of the talk. I the middle he got up the courage to say a sentence, but it was so sudden, that all the primary kids couldn't help but laugh, which made him nervous and not want to say any more. That same Sunday he was also the spot light, and he loved standing in front of everyone while our Secretary told everyone about him. He also got a pencil, which was the highlight of the day for him.
A few weeks ago Michael and Emma went to the dentist. We had been trying to get in for over a year now, but they didn't have any available times. So Emma finally went to see the dentist for the first time, and Michael for a 3rd time. They found that Michael had a cracked molar, in fact it was split in half! The dentist said it was the first time in his 10 years of practice that he had ever seen that. So he had to get the tooth pulled, to avoid infection. So later we made another appointment and Michael got the laughing gas, and had a grand time, as his molar was removed. He even got a balloon and three prizes for being so good. The hardest part was keeping Michael from running around all day after and figuring out soft food for him to eat with out a trip to the grocery store.
Another note. I so love being in primary with Michael! I love knowing what is happening. In our primary the kids say the months theme and scripture each Sunday, as well as work on an article of faith. A friend said how she incorporated the theme, scripture, and article of faith for the month with their nightly scripture study. As well as the song they are learning in primary for the program. I loved the idea, and although it makes Scripture time long, it is so worth it. I figured Michael was too young to memorize anything, and figured it was just good for him and Emma to hear them and Michael would be more familiar with it at church. Well, Michael has now memorized the first article of faith (this months scripture) and the 13th article of faith! (this months article of faith). Of course I don't think he will do it in front of primary (I know this from his talk experience) but it is wonderful to know that at 3 he has those already memorized! It would be awesome for him to have all the articles of faith memorized in a year! We'll see how it goes, but we are going to at least work on them as a family. I have video of Michael reciting both, but it seems to be too big of a file to upload here. Sorry, it is really cute!
Those are the happenings in our world. Sorry it's so long.
Our Christmas
Then on to opening presents. We took turns, and we let the kids play with everything after they opened it. So they would open it and then we would get it out of the box and let them play for 5 to 10 min. or until they were done, and then we would open another gift. It was so fun to enjoy each present one at a time. So our Christmas morning lasted from 9am to 1pm. We had a lunch break inbetween. And funny enough, they got to a point where they had no interest in opening any more presents. So I took the five presents left and tucked them away, they will come out again at birthdays. :)
The Night Before Christmas
Michael opening his new Lightning McQueen pajamas. He was excited!
And the stockings after Santa came. Um.... one of these doesn't look like the others? yes, although I worked hard to get them all done, mine didn't make it. I finished it later after Christmas and love how it came out, being my colors and all. I'll show a picture after. But here are Kent's, Michael's and Emma's. I just love the knit look and how they came out.
And our Christmas tree after Santa came. Some gifts we put together first and were too big to wrap, so I covered them with fabric. That way they could uncover it and imediatly play. Michael had been told not to open anything until all of us were up. I did worry that he would look under the fabric, but he didn't!