So this morning radio show I use to listen to one time had a question. If your life had sponsors, what would they be? You know, what are the things that you just can’t live without? Really think about this. I thought it was a fun idea. I would love to hear what would be on the top of your list, so please share. Here is mine, or at least what I could think of right now, in no particular order. I’m sure I will think of more later ;)
Christina Rowley’s Sponsors:
finger foods for babies
baby food mixer
baby legs
AT&T cell phone
Peanut shell and Mei Tai baby carriers
Tillamook ice cream (especially mint chocolate chip, and cookie dough)
Garage Sales
Eucerin lotion
Microsoft word/ publisher/ excel
The internet
Primary songs on cd
Book of Mormon
My top sponsor would be chocolate ice cream. I have a milk shake most nights before I go to bed. Also, who do you buy the Eucerin lotion for? The Ped suggested I get it for Joseph, she diagnosed him with exema, and I was wondering if it ran in the family.
Exema does run in my family. I have it, I have to use perscription for me with Eucerin on top. I have to also use the Eucerin for Michael and Emma. For Emma I have to use it every diaper change in the target areas, to stay on top of it, and even then there is always reddness there. After her baths I have to cover her head to toe, she looks like an albino. :) Michael has outgrown most of his, but still after a bath and on cold days I lotion him up. Sorry that Joseph got that gene.
We have dry skin here, too. However, I think it helps that I don't bathe my kids everyday, which dries out the skin. We bought a generic that had the same ingredients and was cheaper than Eucerin. Still pricey, though.
We only have to put it on hands when they're looking dry, so thank goodness for that.
My sponsors would be:
ARP- (the church's 12 step program),
printer ink - for my graphic work,
Pens,scisors,and glue sticks,
Flashlights - for some reason I collect these,
Paper - plain, cardstock, and brochure paper (this is much less expensive than printer paper and you can print on both sides),
Wirebound journals - I use one for Spitual thoughts and experiences, one for personal improvement and growth, one for church meeting learnings and inspiration, one for blessings I have recieved, one for creative ideas, etc.
The missionaries - I bring them investigators,
Seminary, gosple esentials, and people giving talks - they use my poems,
The Book of Mormon - I give these out, and write all over mine,
And thrift shops.
That was fun. Thanks Christina.
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