Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weather Investigation

During the big storm (OK, so it was just big to us Northwester's who are not use to much) I took the opportunity to include it in school and have Handsome do some weather investigation.

An idea I got from the Charlotte Mason Companion book by Karen Andreola, was to have a dark cloth and catch snowflakes on it, then have the kids look at the snowflakes with a magnifying glass.  After, they drew their observations in their nature journal.  Handsome also wanted to go out and "investigate" the icicles, and then he drew pictures of them in his nature journal.

Another fun thing that I remember doing when I was in..., I think 3rd grade, was the teacher sending a child or two out in the snow to measure it with a ruler.  I had to let Handsome have the same experience.  So we made a snow chart and Handsome would measure the snow and come in and record the information on his chart.

It was fun having the snow and ice, and using it as a learning experience, as well as learning about electricity when the power went out.  Can I just say I am so happy to be homeschooling, I know it is not for everyone and many moms do the things I do on top of sending their kids to public school.  Me, I love the time with the kids and I love teaching them.  This is just what we need to be doing right now.

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