Sunday, July 3, 2011

More Adorable

Can I just say I am so blessed to have our little Adorable in our family.  For about the first month he was up every 2 hours all night and eating every 2 hours all day.  But at about one month, he started to sleep through the night (9 to 10 hours straight!).  Still ate every 2 hours during the day, but what do I care, especially if I am getting a good night sleep.  Now he still eats often during the day, and naps best on the floor in the main room on his tummy surrounded by noise and running children (of course not right next to him). :) 

I also have to say he is my social baby.  Handsome was social too, but Adorable is even more so.  Anytime anyone looks or talks to him he smiles and "chats" right back.  He doesn't mind who is holding him at all (unless hungry or tired), and is so mellow.  He especially loves it when Handsome or Gorgeous talk and play with him.   However, if one of his siblings is crying he cries too.

He is growing fast (probably because of the often feedings, and the fact he started out big!).  He is just now 3 months and is leaving 6 month clothing and going into the 6-9 month size!  However he is perfectly proportional, as he is in the 95% for weight and height.

Adorable is so patient, happy, and mellow.  How did I get so blessed.  We are so glad he came to our family!

1 comment:

Brown Family said...

Isn't it funny how younger kids actually seem to sleep better WITH noise? Love it! He's so cute! (And if Austin doesn't start eating A will pass him right up! ;)

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