Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I feel like our family has been sick forever. It seems that we all get to take a turn and as mom, luckily, or unluckily? I came in last. But at least we have gotten in lots of snuggle time, and some good book reading time, but also too much tv time. But I guess you just do what you can. And although I was up a couple of nights with Michael and his breathing, we were able to control it and no emergency visits!


Kerri said...

Sad :( I hope you can get this behind you! There's a sweet quality of the sick time for the cuddles and reading, but after a while, you get cabin fever and want to just go back to normal life, huh! Good luck! Hope you feel well soon!

Carol said...

I had heard you were ill from Nancy at the Stake Womens Conference. (What life changing classes we had!) Anyway we missed you and hope all are doing better now!

Denise said...

Sounds like you guys have been sick, we've been sick and Jennifer's family has been sick. Must be a Brown thing to do! Hope you're all feeling better now. And I'm SOOOO happy Michael avoided the ER this time. :)

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