Yes, 2 weeks after arriving home from our Utah visit we had to turn around and do it all over again. I felt like I just barely got back into our true family routine and then off we were again. Why? you ask. Kent's Grandma, the one the kids and I just had visited, passed away. She was 98 and ready to go, but it still is sad to know that she is not with us anymore. I'll do another post later about Kent's dear grandma, she really was a sweet woman and a pleasure to know.
So our trip was a bit different this time, as Kent was with us and we were part of a caravan with his siblings. So no stopping to visit with family and friends this time. That meant we shared an RV. Which I'm not so sure I like better than just a car, perks and drawbacks, and I think my car has won. We left Thursday night after the guys got home from work. Gorgeous screamed most of the way because she was so beyond tired and couldn't sleep in a moving vehicle. It was a LONG night drive with a 3 hour rest for adults/drivers. Then on to Utah were we arrived just in time for the viewing. Then there was cleaning and organizing Grandma's home (where we were staying). The next day another viewing, the funeral, the graveside burial, and a meal, then swimming and a movie for kids, cleaning for adults, sleep. And the next day was a drive home all day. Gorgeous did better but threw up once, and I felt like I would as we hit the windy
Snoqualmie pass in the big RV.
It was good to see more of that side of the family, although most of them I just know from stories and one or two meetings. It was sweet to be at the funeral and to know that Grandma's wishes were kept as no one was to talk about her and her accomplishments, all were to preach the gospel. And all obeyed her wishes and it was such a wonderful funeral!
I took my kids along of course, I know there are mix debates over this, but I want my kids to see and learn the gospel when it comes to death. And to not have to be faced with it suddenly with a tragic close family death. If it wasn't for Kent's other grandpa passing away before my father, my own dad's funeral would have been my first. So it was my second and it was still hard, especially since I was a grown woman and had practically no idea what to expect from a funeral.
It was so sweet at the viewing to have Handsome tell a family member "we are here to see Grandma's body." I knew the glove lesson had worked. And to have Gorgeous want to touch Grandma, which she did, she touched her hand. Which prompted an older cousin to do the same. and before they closed the
casket Gorgeous said "Bye Bye, Grandma" as I had told her this was our chance to say good-bye even though it was just her body left. At the burial Handsome mentioned that he would save a flower petal that fell off of Kent's
boutineer to give to Grandma when she came back in the resurrection. I know the concept of death is still an abstract one that they don't really grasp, but every experience and lesson counts in my opinion. So far at their young age my children have attended 2 funerals.
You ask about what if they are loud during the services? I agree, Gorgeous had to be taken out, where she immediately feel asleep on my lap (from not getting any sleep the day before in driving all night) So she slept on my lap as I listened to the services from the foyer. Handsome had his Sunday toys and knew he had to be even more quiet and reverent. It all went well, and I wouldn't have traded the learning experience for the convenience of not having them with us.