My sister had my family for Christmas this year. And she made us this awesome rock nativity. She found rocks, painted them and added clay to the bottom so they would stand up. I LOVE it! And my kids are always playing with it. Thanks Jana!

Also, my mother-in-law learned how to make these awesome bags. This is the one she made for me. She has made them now for all her daughters, daughters-in-law, and some grand-daughters. How awesome! I love my new bag. :)
I LOVE the nativity! How creative! And yes, super cute bag!
I've been running around so much lately...have I missed Christmas??? Seems like you got some cool stuff...
Yes, cute bag. Hilary was just commenting the other day how she loved Jana's rock nativities. Glad she made such a great one for you. It's always great to have another unbreakable set. :) Happy holidays!!!
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