Saturday, May 29, 2010

Crack Problem

We have a crack problem at our house.... ok, well Gorgeous does. When ever she bends over, all can see her lovely crack! I never had this problem with Handsome, but I have learned that girl pants are made different from boy pants. I guess I should have seen it coming, but I just figured since I had Gorgeous in a cloth diaper that was the reason the diaper cover would show, and I didn't mind the diaper showing, but I do mind the crack! So we are having to have a modesty lesson already. But I am still unsure on how to solve it. So those with older girls, what do you do? Where do you find good pants that stay up and aren't low cut. I am so use to garage sales and second hand stores, but now I know I have to be careful, but even stretch pants are having a problem, it's not just jeans. Please anyone have advise for me as to where to go, and what to do? I'm starting to think that I have to have her try on every pair of pants now before we buy it.


Carol said...

Don't recall that you ever had a "crack problem", but we did use overall-type pants and overall shorts some for you when you were that age.

Brown Family said...

Seems all of my kids have been scrawny enough to have that type of problem. It's like they make clothes big enough to fit diapers, so when you don't need 'em anymore you get a show. I don't worry about it too much -- they don't even realize it and they outgrow it before it really matters.

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