Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Following the February Light

Following the February sunlight. How many times have you looked at the light stream into your home and got the cozy warm feeling all over. Like the promise of warm days to come. I have always loved the look of my home as the light streams in the windows. And you can always catch me playing on the floor with my kids in the sunlight through the windows. But I had never thought of photographing it, until I read a friend's blog. So today, I decided that I would follow the sun and take pictures along the way. I would love for anyone reading my blog to do the same and post their pictures. It really shows your home in a beautiful way, and shows more about you (what little things you keep out, etc). I basically let things be where they were and just enjoyed the beauty the light created. I hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

It's amazing what sunlight does to a room... and photo. Very cool!

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