Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Character and Gospel Learning

One thing I have come to LOVE about homeschooling is the time I have to do more gospel centered learning as well as integrate the gospel into all the subjects of learning. 
(Really, a lunch discussion started by Handsome was on what was Babylon) 
As I was preparing for our school year this summer I was very much struck by a comment from Brigham Young.
Brigham Young said to Karl G. Maeser as he was instructing him in starting Brigham Young Academy, "neither the alphabet nor the multiplication table should be taught without the Spirit of God." 
How does one integrate the Spirit of God into reading and math?  I don't know if I've figured it out completely but we do start with prayer, asking for the Spirit to be with us all day and especially in our learning.
Other than that, this year I have felt strongly that Social Studies needed to include not only etiquette, but Family History, as well as Character building.
Etiquette because I feel it is becoming a lost art, really I could use some lessons in etiquette.  Also, I think it helps my kids greatly, in making friends, being kind, showing respect, and hopefully in future employment.  I am excited to learn it right along with my kids. :)
Family History because I have felt strongly that my kids need to learn where they came from.  We are starting simple with my and their dad's upbringing.  How our family was formed, the importance of family.  Then my dream, (I hope I can make it work) I want to put a vinyl tree on the wall and hang pictures of cousins, grandparents, and other ancestors within the tree.  Plus I am blessed with many family stories that I am excited to share with my kids... and hopefully take life lessons of character out of the stories to lead into our other subject Character building.
With Character building I feel that it is very much the parents responsibility to teach these qualities to their children.

President Kimball said “Do not let your children out to specialists in these things, but teach them by your own precept and example, by your own fireside.  Be a specialist yourself in the truth.  Let our meetings, schools and organizations, instead of being our only or leading teachers, be supplements to our teaching and training in the home.”
  I felt that the best way for me is to incorporate character learning into our daily devotionals and throughout the school day.  To start for the month of September we are working on Honesty.  I love the church website.  In resources for teaching children there are topics listed alphabetically.  There I can find lessons, stories from the Friend, videos, songs, etc.  For Honestly we started with a FHE lesson.  Then in our kitchen I placed the picture of the example of honesty from the story and the phrase, "I choose to be...." each new character trait will be added to the wall as well as a picture to show the new character each month. 

And lastly, just an idea I had that I thought I would share.  Handsome and Gorgeous now have all 13 of the Articles of Faith memorized.  However, they cannot tell you the Article of Faith based on the number.  So I thought to add a picture of it on the back of the index cards that we have them written on.  I am still trying to think of good pictures for some... but here are the ones that I have come up with so far.  And just remember I'm not an artist, but I thought it was good enough to help my kids.  Now, when I ask for an Article of Faith by the number of one we have a picture for they can tell me.  If any of you have good ideas for the others please let me know. :)

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