Monday, September 26, 2011

I Can't Believe I am now.....


It was a wonderful celebration.  For my birthday Kent decided to surprise me (ok, well he gave me a few days warning- because he knew I would appreciate it) with a trip to Mt. Rainer.  Our little family with Grandma and Grandpa Rowley all went and had a wonderful day.

Excited for the trip, and a day in the sun!

At the Grove of the Patriarchs.  (Note to self: next time bring bud spray!)

On the trail in the Grove of the Patriarchs there was a trail to the water edge.  We went there and daddy showed us how to skip rocks.  I never realized how talented he was at skipping rocks.  Handsome and Gorgeous enjoyed throwing rocks in too. :)

Then we went to see some of the waterfalls.  My favorite is the one with a double rainbow at the bottom all of the time.

And our last stop was at the top, well as close as we could get with a car. :)  We went to the visitor center and learned some cool things.  Then we walked around and saw the wildflowers as well as touched the snow.  So I can say for my birthday in August, I got to touch the snow!  What fun.

The next day the kids helped me make a birthday cake, my favorite yellow cake with chocolate frosting.  YUM!

Handsome even made birthday hats for each of us.  It was a great birthday and I am so excited and happy to be 30!

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