Friday, September 16, 2011

Adorable at Five Months Old

My little Adorable is now 5 months, and he is growing fast.  He is moving out of 9 month clothes and into the 12 month range!  I have to say he is my best baby.  I don't know how much of it is me feeling confident and knowing what to expect, or just his wonderful personality.  He is very patient and calm. 

He is rolling over now, not crossing distances, but is everywhere on the blanket I place him on.  He loves to do what we call "flying" he spreads his arms and legs straight out and only has his stomach touching the ground. :)

He has also recently started to get on his hands and knees and wiggle back and forth, then he will either fall forward or backwards and repeat the process.  Most of the time I find that he went backwards under a chair and upset not knowing how he got stuck there.

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