Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Similarities and Differences

So Adorable has had a cold, and of course any mother feels bad when her little baby does not feel well.  To keep him happy he is usually fine if I am near and talking to him or rubbing his tummy.  The other day I was doing this as he was on the verge of crying and it made me think of Handsome.  I knew I had a picture of Handsome making the exact same face at the same age.  I couldn't help myself, I had to take a picture and compare the two.  Can you tell whose who?

I guess it's a good thing that Adorable has birthmarks on his face, so I'll be able to tell the difference.  Have you noticed Adorable's birthmark?  Look closely.  Kent and I joke that he will be Harry Potter for Halloween because of his birthmark on his forehead between his eyes.

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