I don't want to come across as conceited, and hope I don't. But I LOVE to hear from others as to what they do in their family to teach the gospel. So I am sharing what we do...
A new tip:
Thanks to my home school friends I got a helpful tool for scripture study for my kids. Since my kids are young we are reading from the Scripture Stories from the church (currently the New Testament). I wanted my kids to learn the stories now so that they have a knowledge reference to learn the more in depth meanings as they get older. And I love how they give a simple version of the main stories. But I have also wanted to have my kids learn the scripture language, and I've heard many times that it is important to read straight from the scriptures, to invite the spirit.
Well, I learned about this website
The Storied Scriptures where they have taken the main stories from the scriptures and written down the references that go with the stories. We have been using them for the last week and I love it!
What we do:
So in the morning we start our day with family prayer (and because we are learning the difference of what we are thankful for and need blessings on, we each take a turn and name one things we are thankful for and one thing to bless, then the one saying the prayer can use our list of ideas; added bonus the kids are now praying for each other, there is something special about hearing your name in a prayer either thankful for or a blessing).
Then we use the print out from
The Storied Scriptures and read from the actual scriptures as we learn the stories. This has helped Handsome in many ways (just a more basic thing; he has learned the difference between art and aren't, and deaf and death). We only read a few verses. All together we spend about 5-10 min. with prayer and scriptures.
At night we still sing our primary song, do our primary monthly theme, and monthly article of faith, then read the church version of the scripture stories, then we take turns picking a church song to sing, then family prayer, hugs and kisses, and off to bed with personal prayers.
So now that I have shared what we do... I would LOVE to hear what you do... and I also need good ideas on how to do family council with little ones. Do you do it? what does it look like? Any good tips/suggestions you have? PLEASE share!