Ok, so I know I am late. Handsome has his birthday in March. We decided to do an extended family party. (it was my practice run, to see if I will be up to a friends party next year)

I made cupcakes, and wanted Cars pictures to top it. Since I couldn't find any at the stores, I just printed them off and put them on toothpicks. I think it worked. :)

I had games that related to the different Cars characters. We started with Mater's licence plate design. I just made some licence plates in publisher with the kids initials and birthdays (for letters and numbers) then they colored a design on them.
Next we did Filmore's Red Light Green Light. Each kid got a turn being the light.
Then Lightnings Fast cars, as they drove cars through the paint and on to paper.

We also did Luigi's tire toss (made a fake tire, and they had to throw and Cars ball into the tire)
Also, Ramone's Sweet Cars, where they had to build/design cars out of candy. After each competition, the kid that "won" the round got a Piston Cup. Below is Handsome's car he designed.

Then cake and presents.

Handsome was so thankful for everything, and loved all the presents. I had to include this picture. Aunt Beth and Family gave him Cars games, and a Big bottle of bubbles (he loves bubbles) but as he pulled it out he said excitedly "Oh, cool a gas can!" He truly was so excited to have his very own gas can. Then I told him it was bubbles and he was cool with that too. :)
In the end I think it was a success, but I don't know if I am up to a friends party. I may just do one in a place that they can all just run around and play. :) It was a LOT of planning, and trying to keep everyone going.
Looks like lots of fun. Hold off on friends parties as long as possible, b/c once you start them they want them every year. But with so many cousins as friends, who needs a friends party? :)
I love all your game ideas. I told the kids they could not start having friend parties till they turned 5. If Jacob is still so into Cars I may have to call and get more info on your games.
I'm so glad you were able to use some of the pictures I took for you--it was such a clever party with most innovative games--I'm sure Michael will remember it for a long time!
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