Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Projects

So it seems that every Christmas I take on too much. So this year I started early, yet there was still too much, so day by day I had to scale back. But I have had fun making things (even though I have had to stay up to 3 am most nights). I decided this year to make new stockings. I was going to figure it all out and do it during the summer, but of course that didn't happen. So I was learning how to knit socks for the first time as I knit our stockings. I chose to do strips in colors that represent the person, that way when more children come I can just pick colors for them and knit it up using the same pattern. :) Below is Michael's stocking, I have Kent's done, and Emma's almost done, just mine to do still.

Michael also worked with me in making ornaments for family and teachers, ect. It was a fun craft project for us to do together.

This year I have also made many gifts, most of which I can't mention here for fear that someone reading will have a christmas surprise spoiled. :) But I did learn to make fabric dolls. I'll post pictures when they are done. I also am learning some thriftyness, I don't know why I didn' do this earlier, but this year if I didn't have the fabric I wanted, I went to good will, and found the colors and fabric that worked from using the sheets, and curtains there. I got tons of fabric for so cheap this way. Just a tip for others who may want to try it. Just look for stains, and wash well before you cut and use it.


Brown Family said...

The stocking makes me think you can knit me a stocking cap I want for my Austin ... but I'll let you have a month off before I start pestering you. ;) Looks great!

Molly said...

Nice! I'm still not done with my Christmas crafts. Cleaning the ever-messy living room keeps sucking up all my time...

Andrea said...

I love the tree ornament as well as the knit stockings. I need to make us some stockings... maybe I'll knit some. Where did you get the pattern?

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