So just some thoughts, take them or leave them.....
I was just thinking how a year ago, I was worried about me, my community, church, family, but politics was something boreing. I didn't understand all the government stuff people were talking about... and being one who likes to please and keep the peace I would avoid political conversations so as to not upset anyone...... But now I have discovered Fox news network, and Glenn Beck.
Is the world really this bad? Before, I thought that people were good, and that at least the majority of people were trying their best to do what is right. Was I niave? I am not a person that likes to "rock the boat" but really what is going on.... so I know this may not make too much of a difference, but I have taken to writing to my senators about what I, as one they represent, would like them to vote on, etc.
I'm sure most of you are already there, but I just wonder what would happen if all of us did write to our Senators more often about what is happening.... would they listen to the majority of those they represent? I would hope so......
I certainly hope the end of the world is not near.... but some things in the government are really getting me worried, making me double check my food storage, etc. Am I the only one... or are the rest of you getting a bit worried too?
Again, just a thought I wanted to throw out there.