• Early morning, get everyone ready, feed, dressed, diapered, etc.
• Load of laundry ran and hung outside to dry
• Out the door to run errands: four hours later; 5 returns, 4 purchases
• Lunch from home while on the run.
• Gardening some:
o Emma finding and playing with black snake in the yard
o Michael filling up toy watering can at least 20 times to water the dirt and rocks.
• Washing cloth diapers and hanging them out to dry
• Collecting dry clothes and folding some
• Emma’s nap time, mommy trying (unsuccessfully) to get 5 min. nap too
• Tutoring time
• Start to make dinner to find Michael pulling Emma out from playing in urine filled toilet!
• Now bath time!
• Back to cooking dinner time.
• Eating dinner, clean up toys, stories, diaper change, pajamas, scriptures, song, and prayer.
*Daddy home to say "hi" and off to a church meeting
• One little girl down to sleep (or so I had hoped)
• One summer hair cut for a little boy!
• Shower for Michael
• Vacuuming for mommy
• Cuddling little girl and putting back to bed
• Gathering diapers from the line
• Watering plants
• Cuddling little girl and putting back to bed!
• Pajamas and story time for a little boy
*Daddy finally home, yeah!
• Visit from Grandma!
• Prayers for Michael and tucked into bed
• Pruning roses
• Time to breath and enjoy some adult conversation
* Try to post about very long day and text will not copy and paste! 5 min. later figure out another way
• Better get to bed so I can wake up and start all over again!
• How was your day?
Christina, you are a saint! I have had days like that (although I'm not very confident that I am that productive through it all!)
And on top of it all, your diaper photograph is simply lovely. :)
May tomorrow bring you peace. And a nap.
Isn't EVERY day like that -- or worse! :) And then when your hubby comes home and says, "What did you do today?" You can't think of a thing to tell him ...
Just know it DOES get easier as the kids get older! Anyone who says differently just doesn't remember how physically demanding two little ones are.
that's the best picture EVER of all the cloth diapers drying :D
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