Thursday, December 8, 2011

Found it!

The other day as I was getting out our Christmas boxes I saw a box labeled "Family Room"  It made me wonder what a "family room" box was doing in the shed.  So I pulled it out and opened it up.  What was in it?.....


It was my box of missing children's books.  It has been 3 moves and more than 5 years since I have seen these books.  At least once a month Kent had to put up with me complaining that I knew "I had this certain book... where is it!?"  So I found my missing books, there had to be at least 50 of them in there.  It feels like Christmas came early for me.  I am so glad to have my books back again. :)


Shauna said...

I need your email address to invite you to my blog.Send it to me at Shaunahh at aol dot com

Kerri said...

hey -- DO TELL us some of those great titles!!!

the Rowleys said...

So the books I have found include:
The cloudy with a chance of meatballs series, the book "I love you the Purplest" a great one! "weslandia"- about a boy who makes up his own land. Fanny's Dream, and lot of other fairy tail ones (Gorgeous will LOVE them!) Duck on a Bike, the Click, Clack, Moo series. And many, many more. I am just sooooooo happy to have them once again!

Carol said...

Finding books you've thought you lost is like finding old friends!--I also found many Christmas books packed away with Christmas stuff--what fun!

Brown Family said...

Yay!!! That's awesome.

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