Now for the milestone:
Almost everyday I spend 5 to 10 min. with Handsome doing our "home school" reading. I am basically establishing a routine, and expectation for school before the baby comes, so that it will be an easier transition after. Our home school is usually 15 to 20 min with math, reading, and writing. Then another 30 min. of read aloud as they play/listen and of course outside play time.
With his reading lessons Handsome has really taken off. Or rather, I'm just a proud momma who LOVED seeing the process of his learning to read! I wouldn't trade anything for being able to be a part of that! For his reading lessons we are using the curriculum "How to Teach your child to read in 100 Easy Lessons". I have to say I highly recommend this book to those whose children are willing to sit with a parent for 5 to 10 min. at a time. The BOB books go well with the lessons (introducing the sounds on the same schedule). So here is Handsome reading a story in the BOB book. Yes, I know it looks like he has it memorized, and he may have, this is his 3rd reading of it. But just to show off, and be the proud momma that I am. Here is my Handsome boy reading a book that has never been read to him!
And for more simple joys:
Here is a video of what we often find/hear many times during the day. Gorgeous singing to herself, random songs, starting and stopping in random places, usually there are Christmas songs mixed with church songs, mixed with songs learned at the library, with silly preschool songs, and of course different articles of faith thrown in there too. I just makes us all smile. And reminds me that I use to do that too! I would sing when I thought no one was listening (but now realize it must have made my own mom laugh as well). Of course Gorgeous knew I was video taping her. Usually she is just coloring, or playing as she sings. I love my children and the simple joys they bring to my life!
What cuties. The singing/dancing must be a girl thing, because Shayla always does it -- she calls them "shows." She's also starting to read from the Little Books (which we LOVE!) and loving it. So fun to watch them learn!
What a good teacher you are!! It is really fun to see your kids progress in an area like reading.
Oh, BTW I get compliments every now and then about Jane and Emma's cute shoes... and many ask "where did you get them?" And I tell them they were sent to me by my great crafty friend I met at BYU :)
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