Sunday, January 23, 2011

Our Christmas Pictures

Ok, so these are very late! But I wanted to get them up. Our Christmas. It was a fun, good Christmas. I was busy the week before making and preparing Christmas gifts. But was so happy when the night before I could go to bed at a decent hour.

For Christmas Eve we did a Rowley family get together, that was fun. Then at home each child got to open their special "Christmas Eve" present. Which was slippers made by mommy. They were so cute, if I do say so myself. :)

Christmas morning the kids sleep until their usual time, 7am. I let them get into their stockings, and then it was a family breakfast of eggs, ham, and toast, before presents could be opened. I love being able to enjoy our time together and take things one at a time. Presents were opened one at a time from youngest to oldest, so we could all "ooh" and "aah" over each thing. :)

Gorgeous ready for her first present to be opened.

A super hero cape made with love from mommy!

Dinosaur dress up for Handsome

Ok, this was the star of the show. Buzz! Who still to this day is the most played with toy. Thanks Santa!

Gorgeous got from Mommy my old Maple Town set. A special treasured toy from my childhood that thankfully my mom took such good care of all of these years so I could pass it on to my own daughter! (If you don't know what Maple Town is, they are little toy animals, that are dressed and each has a role as mom, dad, sister, baby, etc. I would play with these for hours! Never did like Barbie, it was Maple Town all the way for me!)

And from Daddy to Handsome, a treasured Lego set from his childhood that his mother had gone to great lengths to save and preserve for him. I don't know who was more excited about the gift, dad or Handsome? :)

It was a great Christmas. I love the age of my children now, there seems to be a special magic to the whole thing. :)

1 comment:

Carol said...

I loved seeing all the treasures in the opening process--even though I've seen some of them from my visits. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas was had by the whole family!

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