Sunday, May 17, 2009


So I have learned that when I get frustrated I growl. Yes, really, don’t ask me why, and how I started, I don’t know, and actually I didn’t even know I was doing it, until my shadow (Michael) started to growl when he got frustrated. I started to wonder if it was something he picked up in nursery, until one day I did it and realized he learned it from ME!

On a completely different topic:

Michael has also discovered the Cars movie. He has had some Cars toys that he has gotten as gifts, but he was never a TV/Movie watcher until he turned 3. I know the movie has been on a couple of places we have been, but he was always too busy playing to notice it. Since he has gotten into the movies we have started a family movie night each Friday. So 2 weeks ago we borrowed the movie Cars from a sister-in-law, and Michael LOVES it.

The cutes part about it was that he really caught on to the “best friends” part between Lightning and Mater. Since then he has been calling Kent his best friend instead of daddy. He would tell people, “My best friend just left to go to work.” And when daddy would have to run errands without him he would cry “My best friend just left and I wanted to go with him!” It is just sooo cute!


Margot said...

Oh the magic of Cars. Peter walks around quoting it, and he watches a movie maybe every two weeks. To be honest, I think it's cool that the boys have their Disney icon to look up to. The girls have the whole Princess thing, the boys have Cars.

His best friend! That is so cute!

Brown Family said...

Amazing what kids will get addicted to, eh? Cars is a definite must for all little boys. :) That's adorable that Kent is his best FRIEND. (i'M GETTING help typing here.)

Kids are also the best "look into the mirror" we get. I don't ever think I've seen you mad enough to growl. :)

Jennifer said...

I still have yet to watch the whole Cars movie. My kids I think have seen it, but I should try borrowing it from a friend so that we can all watch it together. If Michael loves it I am sure that Jacob probably will too.

Unknown said...

"Best Friends" That is so cute! Is'nt it great that he and his dad have such a "best friends" relationship.

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