Monday, April 20, 2009


We are very blessed, in so many ways. Our kids are healthy once more as are Kent and I. I am amazed at what wonderful children I have and the sweet spirits they have brought to our family. I am enjoying watching Emma’s personality come out more and more, and seeing how loving Michael can be to her. We are so blessed that Kent actually has not missed a day of work, even though he was laid off, and we were worried for rough times ahead. They never actually came. He found work the next Monday being promised only a few days as the company didn’t have much work themselves. Yet Kent has gone to work every day for the last 1 ½ months with work still coming in. There is never a promise of work and we go week by week, but the work always seems to be there. It is a wonderful blessing in our lives, a testament to the power of paying our tithing. Of course I wish there was a steady promise of work, but in this economy this is great. And the miracle of it all, is actually Kent is now earning more money then he was before working for the other company. Of course we learned a number of lessons through this all. To spend wiser, to have more is savings, and to get our food storage in better shape. If we stop and look, we can see the little miracles that God is performing in our lives day by day. We are so very blessed!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Awesome! We'll continue to pray for him to have permanent, full-time work, but I'm glad to hear that you're all doing so well in the interim. Hooray!!!

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