Sunday, November 4, 2012


Art is my weakness.  I would say that I can't draw, or do anything really creative.  I can copy, but original work, not really.  So I really wanted to make sure that my lack in the area of art didn't affect Handsome in his schooling.  So I am learning art right along with him.  And I am amazingly having a lot of fun.  The book I am using to teach us both is, "Drawing with Children: A Creative Method for Adult Beginners, Too" by Mona Brookes. 
Handsome's Pumpkins in the lesson on overlapping.

Handsome's bird picture.  He had to add in a flying draco, and know that he is still not finished with it yet.

This one he did on his own, and I had to include it.  He asked me if I knew what temple it was and pointed to the dots on it.  I guessed the Kirkland Temple, and was happy to be right.  He reminded me that the women broke up their china and mixed it in to give the temple a sparkle.  I can't believe he remembered that story from a year ago!

And since I'm learning right along, I had to add one of my pictures too. :)  I used a book cover as inspiration, and am very happy with how it actually looks like it. (sorry, I can't seem to get it to turn the right way).

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