Sunday, May 6, 2012


This last Easter was Adorable's first "real" Easter, since last year he was only a few weeks old and didn't get to truly enjoy the festivities.  So, of course, most of the pictures are of him.

Saturday we went to our ward Easter Egg Hunt and lunch.  It is a long running tradition and TONS of fun.  There were different egg hunt areas depending on age.  Adorable and Gorgeous were in the same area, Handsome was in an older one with Dad.

Adorable instantly went for an egg, but then he didn't want to put it in his basket.  So I would get him to put it in and then hide the basket so he would find another egg.  He really didn't do that bad for being only one year old. :)

 Gorgeous went with Grandma Rowley and had fun filling her basket up.

Handsome went with dad for his egg hunt.  And dad told him this secret; when it starts, run straight to the back and then collect eggs.  Apparently all the other kids were busy fighting over the eggs at the beginning, while Handsome had free range of the eggs in the back.  He quickly filled his basket and then we made him stop hunting for himself, but he couldn't resist still looking and pointing them out to the other kids. 

And what the Easter bunny brought to our house.  Each kid got 2 peps, a cadbury egg, and a carrot.  Well, except for Adorable who got a tie. :)

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