Monday, November 8, 2010

10th Article of Faith

Handsome said the article of faith in front of the entire primary. You never know how those things will go, but he said it loudly and with such pronunciation. It was adorable! Many teachers commented that they could see him as a future missionary. I love being in primary where I can see these special moments!

Trick or Treat

This year we all went to the trunk or treat, where the kids got PLENTY of candy within only 15 min. I had bought over 250 little toys to pass out, and we still ran out! Next year I guess I need to plan on 400! Gorgeous was our adorable BYU cheerleader and I could get her to say "Go BYU" if she was around those she knew. Handsome was a cowboy. I tried to convince him to be a football player, but he liked the boots so much there was no changing his mind.
Again like last year, both came down with a cold the day before trunk or treat. In order to not repeat last years ER visit with Handsome, I did not let Handsome or Gorgeous play outside that day. We kept the house warm and layered the kids for trunk or treat. (they each had 4 layers on top and 2 on bottom, plus gloves, hats ready if needed, and coats ready if it rained, which I can't believe it didn't as it was raining all day long before hand). When we got home the kids went straight into a warm bath, warm PJ's, and then we let them pick out 5 pieces of candy to eat (Gorgeous couldn't count and thus picked one out)
Since Halloween was on Sunday we decided not to have the kids go trick or treating, teaching that we keep the Sabbath day holy. Neither cared and already had more candy then I cared for them to have. (Maybe we'll just stick to Trunk or Treat for the future as well) And success no ER visit this year! Actually no problems at all, just kept Handsome on his meds and all was well.
A couple days after letting them pick out 10 or so pieces of candy (and giving some away to friends), we decided to just let them at it and finish it off. Handsome had one piece left but looked so sick, I asked him how he was and he said "I think I'll throw up" I told him to lay down. He didn't want to, but took it easy for an hour. Then he perked up and said that he had a miracle happen. That Jesus helped him not throw up. :) I tried to suggest that some times we do throw up to learn a lesson. But he insisted it was his own miracle. Gorgeous was not fazed at all by all the candy and just ran circles around Handsome for a change.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Look! No Training Wheels!

Handsome has been wanting to have his training wheels taken off of his bike. I was worried he wasn't ready, but Daddy thought he was, and promised him the next nice day that he would. So on Friday that is just what happened. The entire family was outside cheering him on, teaching, and watching him learn to ride his bike with no training wheels. After half an hour he gave up realizing how hard it was and not likeing the many falls, but he we convinced him to get back on a little later. Three more hours and he had it. Then Grandpa Rowley came over and he had to show off for him, and was able to start by himself as well (but I didn't get any of that on video). I am proud of my little man, though it was hard, and he fell many times, he stayed with it and suceeded! Way to go!

Starting out with Daddy

Litter sister cheering him on

The Big Boy riding his bike! And little sister cheering him on. :)
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