Monday, August 27, 2012

Bath Time

Nothing cuter than a little boy who loves his bathtime! 

Sunday, August 26, 2012

First Haircut

Gorgeous got her first haircut!  Yes, she is 4 and I had not cut her hair.  We had started talking to her about the need to get it cut soon, but she wouldn't have it, she wanted to be like Rapunzel.  So how did the haircut come about?  GUM.  Yep, apparently gum got stuck in her hair and I was not informed about it until the next day.  Gorgeous was surprisingly good about it and kind of excited.  In the end she got a cute hair cut and loved it. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Little Things

Lots of little things have been happening around our home, and I've just plain been busy.  But I should blog about it just for my own record, if nothing else. :)

Here is Adorable, who now more days than not is sporting only a diaper.  We have LOVED the warm weather!  Also, one of his favorite things to do is spin in our office chair.  Thanks to Grandma Rowley who discovered, when he was quit young, that to calm him down all she had to do was spin in the chair with him.  Now Handsome and Gorgeous spin him too, and he LOVES it!

Gorgeous keeps on growing.  It is so fun to see her have fun playing all sorts of made up games with Handsome, and then take on the big sister role and play with Adorable.  Every day she surprises me as she tells me that she made a number four with her legs, or a letter with her sandwich (OK, I do let my kids play with their food at lunch :).  She also tries to use the big words she hears, and they sound so cute coming from such a little girl.

Handsome has grown so much.   He is such a big helper.  I can't believe we are gearing up for 1st grade already.  I meant to keep the reading and math going during the summer, and well, best laid palns...  But, he did read tons, all on his own.  And, we did do lots of read alouds, Little House in the Big Woods, Little House in the Prairie, My Father's Dragon, Elmer and the Dragon, and now Farmer Boy.  He and Gorgeous are loving the stories.  He has also been very motivated to do Handwriting as of late, due to the fact that the only way to earn computer time is through handwriting. :)  Here he is vacuuming the kitchen floor.  Did I mention this little vacuum?  I LOVE it, all my kids can use it and it is so much easier than sweeping with a one year old on the loose.  Totally worth the $20.

And back to Adorable, who seems to be climbing everything as of late.  He looks little, but he can move any chair, stool, etc. that would get him to his goal, usually on top of something.  Poor guy spends a good amount of the day in a playpen simply for safety.  I worry about him making it to two years old!  But thankfully he is getting better at obeying.  He will get into trouble and be told to either get down or but something back, which he does and claps (and we clap for him obeying).  Then he repeats the process doing the exact same thing!  You just have to love them. :)

I did mention that ALL my kids use the vacuum.  Adorable LOVES it too.  He fights the big kids over using it.  And although he doesn't really get too much of the floor, I figure if he's going to push it around, might as well turn it on and let it pick up what it can. :)  When I have to vacuum the rest of the house I have to get this little one out for Adorable so he doesn't fight me for the big one.  Then he follows me all around the house "vacuuming" where I am, and even doing rows back and forth.  I figure this is good training, right? :)

Apparently the baby always gets the most picture taken.  Love this little boy, especially his smile he does every time he sees the camera pointed his way. :)

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