I haven't blogged much, it's been a busy summer. I thought I would have more time, since we are taking a break from homeschooling. Yet, many fun things have been happening. We've done two camping family reunions, been to the Aquarium, seen and learned about horses, seen and touched a brand new baby calf, watched some Olympics, and much more. It's been fun. Now I just need to find time for the projects I meant to get done this summer, like plan for next years school year, get sewing projects done (some Christmas presents too), organize clothes and shoes as well as a shed. Hope I can fit that all in with only one month left! :)
Guess who lost his two front teeth. Well, actually they were pulled out. An adult tooth was growing in behind the others, and the others' were not even loose, so the dentist pulled them. That means that Handsome has lost 3 teeth total, all have been pulled out by the dentist. Yet, this time was the first time the Tooth Fairy came to visit (he was too young to know about the Tooth Fairy for the first one). He was very happy about the visit.
And two cute kids watching the Olympics. Adorable loves to do what the "big kids" are doing. That includes sitting in a chair with them.